We shouldn’t take it lightly any time the body has anything to say—even when it comes to the smallest pains.
Any type of pain is usually a warning sign that something isn’t quite right.
Those little pains that we sometimes ignore can potentially point to an injury that could become a bigger issue in the future. This is especially true with muscle soreness.
Some muscle soreness, such as the soreness after working out in the gym, is known as delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS. It can occur from 6 – 8 hours after completion of your workout session.
This type of muscle pain comes from inflammation in the muscles and is considered completely normal. However, proper care should be taken to avoid injury.
DOMS can usually be treated with rest, stretching, ice, and other mild treatments. However, if your muscle soreness seems to be worsening or does not improve after a couple of days, it is important to seek the help of a professional.
Some types of muscle pain can have deeper roots. Myalgia is a type of muscle pain caused by injury, infection, disease, or other underlying conditions. It is important to seek professional help if you are experiencing myalgia – avoid trying to self-treat or ignore the pain. Erring on the side of caution could potentially catch an issue before it becomes much more serious.
Everyone experiences muscle pain differently. Some people experience generalized muscle pain all over their bodies, while others experience it in specific areas.
The ability to identify and differentiate between different types of pain, such as joint pain, muscle cramps, and muscle spasms, is important for overall treatment and recovery. All three have different protocols when it comes to treatment and recovery.
Don’t ignore muscle soreness—get the care you need.
The Certified Athletic Therapists at Continuum Health Centre are experts in injury assessment and rehabilitation. Through on-site care and active rehabilitation, our athletic therapists effectively treat musculoskeletal (muscles, bones, and joints) injuries. Our mission is to help our clients recover from injury and resume activities respective to their occupation, sport, and lifestyle.